My initiation

It was spring and the hovering buds on the apple trees in the garden broke slowly out of their
hard scales, into the sun. Ängsbacka was one of my favorite places on earth, a center
for spiritual growth in the middle of Sweden, and this week we had a easter gathering with
dance, yoga and bhajan. I was there to teach yoga in the mornings.
I arrived in the afternoon and in the west corridor, just outside my room and ran into Raven, one of my friends for many years. Raven came from Germany and we only met at Ängsbackas
gatherings a few times every year. We had a little flirt going on, nothing serious, we enjoyed
dancing together and playing with our mutual attraction on the dancefloor. But to be honest, I
would never engage deeper than that. He was the kind of man who knew he
looked good and didn’t hesitate to use his looks to get what he wanted. Raven was a
But this time, I immediately felt something had shifted in him. He was so
relaxed, his eyes were so soft and his energy worked as a magnet to my core. I dropped my
bags on the floor to receive his welcoming embrace, and I couldn´t leave. Hi´s warmth was
so comforting and I could feel his heartbeat in his chest. I was mesmerized by his fragrance
And as he held me close, I could feel him all the way down in my pussy. I couldn’t leave.
For a while my mind tried to come up will all sorts of excuses to leave his arms. Who was I to
take up his time? What if he had other places to go or other people to embrace and what if
he thought that I was in love with him or wanted something from him or… I am too much, to
close to… but I couldn´t leave. For 30 minutes or so, I fell, breath by breath, deeper and deeper into a space of melting silence. Time and space ceased to exist and my whole being surrendered to him.
After a while we looked at eachother with stars in our eyes, and I asked him frankly: “what the hell happened to you since we last met?”
Raven told me that since a half year back, he started to practise tantra. I was puzzled. At that
time I had been into yoga for many years and I also practised a tantric meditation technique
that took me nowhere but into strain and compulsion. Raven’s tantra however was a sexual
practice and according to him it was a fast track to enlightenment.
I didn’t believe him. I had lived in celibacy since a year back and I was very proud of myself.
I had always loved sex, but I had repeatedly found myself in bed with the “wrong guys”. I
was attracted to men that used me and in that way I abused myself for many years. I didn’t
believe in sex as a spiritual practice, it sounded absurd. In the tradition of yoga I practised,
brahmacharya was very important to sublimate sexual energy and convert it to creativity or
But nevertheless, Raven had changed a lot since we last met and I was curious.
The next morning me and some friends gathered around Raven in the garden for breakfast.
He told us about polarities and the attraction between the masculine and the feminine
energy and how the dance of polarities merge in the heart as love. I was all ears, it reminded
me a lot about the yogic philosophy and I wanted to know more. Raven asked me if I wanted a private session with him after the dinner the same night, and I said yes. We agreed to
meet up in my room at eight.
I didn’t see Raven during the dinner so I went straight to my room to prepare myself for the
session. I took a shower, shaved my legs and my pussy. I dressed in clean clothes and lay
myself on the bed with a book to wait for him to arrive. It was with great exhilaration I called
him in as he finally knocked on my door.
There he was, more gorgeous than ever. His masculine face was framed by long hair like a
lion´s mane and his arms hung relaxed by his sides. He closed and locked the door behind
him and called me to stand up from the bed and step out on the floor. And so I did.
“Undress for me”, he said and gave me a commanding nod.
I took of my dress and I let my my leggings fall to the floor. I shivered when I realized that he
expected me to undress my bra and my panties as well. So there I stood, naked in front of
him. Shivering.
He didn’t move, he just stood there by the door and looked at me. What did he expect from
me now? Were we going to have tantric sex right away and how would that be? Did he
wanted me to approach him or what? My mind was totally confused and the room started
spinning. But he didn’t move, he just stood there and looked me in the eyes. I have never felt
so naked in my entire life.
Suddenly I felt him. I could feel that he didn’t want anything from me, he didn’t expect
anything from me. He didn’t want to kiss me, he didn’t want to touch me, he didn’t want me
to do anything to him. He just wanted to see me, and he looked at me with reverence and
awe. And I could see what he saw. I could see in his eyes what he saw when he looked at
me. He saw God.
When I realized that he saw God in me, I suddenly felt God looking out of my eyes as well
and I saw God in him and God everywhere.
Rays of light sprung out of the halo of gold that surrounded us and I could feel myself in every breath. So there we stood there like divine embodiments of man and woman, and after a while he bowed in gratitude to me and left the room. I stumbled back to my bed and layed down on
my back with one hand on my beating heart. I could´nt grasp what just happened, and the
rushes of energy through my body. I couldn’t sleep that night. Tossing and turning in my bed
The day after I met up with Raven at the breakfast and I sat down close to him. We didn’t
mention the session from the night before but he kept on talking about tantra and sexuality
as a spiritual practice. He talked about the importance of presence and surrender and
everyone around the table seemed very interested. When we went to leave our dishes he
asked me if I wanted to try another session tonight, and of course I said yes. In fact, the
whole day I couldn’t think of anything else than the promised session. I was so curious and
He came shortly after eight o´clock. This time he actually sat down on my bed. We didn’t talk, but he caressed my face and my neck and he started to take command over me in a way that I really enjoyed. He bent my head back and kissed me on my neck and my shoulders. Then he looked me in the eyes, deep and long and he didn’t let go of my gaze. He lifted me up on his lap and started to arouse me, and at the same time he looked me straight in my eyes. He started to touch my spine in a way that I never felt before. He knocked his knuckles on my chest bone and made my spine move in waves. I gasped in delight and then he started to move my hips on top of his hips in spirals and circles. I could feel his erection under my pussy and I closed my eyes and leaned my head back as I moaned with pleasure.
Immediately he snapped his fingers in front of me and pulled my neck back so he could gaze
in my eyes again. We were breathing rhythmically together and I felt totally confused. I had
so much resistance in my muscles, so much control. When I was about to let go of control
and be fully under his command, a wave of bliss came over me and made me close my eyes
and drift away. But he wouldn’t let me go. As soon I he felt that I lost presence, he snapped
his fingers in front of my face and commanded me to look him in his eyes. Waves of
pleasure and joy broke my patterns of control and confusion and he took command over me
and kept me present. After a while we rested together in silence, gazing into the stars in
each others eyes. He didn’t wanted to make love to me this night either, what was a big
surprise to me. I had never met a man who wanted a date from me and then left un fucked
or un sucked, but Raven did. He said goodnight and left to his room.
I couldn’t sleep. My body was so hot and burning. The whole night I was tossing and turning
and at 4 AM I had to give up the idea of sleeping. I had too much energy in my body, so I
went up to one of the balconies to meditate. In my meditation my mind bombarded me with
thoughts of what had happened the night before and what secrets Raven could teach me. I
wondered if he would meet me again and if I could gaze into his eyes forever. I realized that
I started to fall in love with him. Or did I? I started to evaluate our future together. How would
it be to spend the rest of my life with him? We could have great tantric sex in his house in
Germany every night and have long romantic weekends in bed. Our kids were almost the
same age and would probably get along just fine and I could look for a job as a yoga teacher
in his town. They had a really good yoga studio there, it would be so perfect.
Suddenly I got aware of my own thoughts. How could I project a whole future on to someone
who just gave me two of the most beautiful experiences of my whole life - for free? Some
one who showed me so much love and respect? What was this invisible contract that I had
to love?
I realized that whenever I experienced love, this was the detour I do in my mind. I
immediately calculated if and how this person would be the love of my life and how our lives
could be woven together. I realized that I had used to put love is a small box with walls that
represents certain projections and demands. A secret contract of love.
Suddenly I felt as if I got struck by lightning. My whole body opened and through my
nose I could feel the most exquisite fragrance from the opening flowers in the garden. I
heard humming bees summing in the morning sun and the birds sung loud as a orchestra
with hundred voices.
I could hear what the birds were singing, “come, sit with me on my branch, sing with me. Make love to me. I love you, come, come.”
I opened my eyes and saw the apple blossoms opening their petals and all their delicate beauty opened up to be seen and loved. “Come”, they said. “Come and love me, make love to me. Drink of my sweet nectar and enjoy me. This is how beautiful I am. I am alive.”'
The whole nature vibrated of love and I was overwhelmed of it. After a while the people
woke up and entered the garden with their breakfast. They sat beside each other in the sun
and talked about the weather and the news, the workshops and their memories. But I could
hear what they really said behind the words.
“Come, sit beside me. I want to know you. I want to feel you. Come love me. Let me love
I started to cry as my heart cracked open to the truth that had been unseen for so long. And
from deep inside of me, a voice came. I trembled from the power of it.
The voice inside me was so strong that I couldn’t hear anything else. My heart was pounding
and waves of heat rolled from my lower back up to my face, again and again.
I saw Raven from the balcony. He was surrounded with people who was eager to feel him,
love him and be close to him, and I could see his love pouring like an infinite stream out of
his whole being. As I went out in the garden I saw him sitting with a young man in front of
him, deeply gazing into the young man’s eyes. Tear rolling down the young man’s cheeks. I
realized Ravens love was not mine to take. It belonged to the world.
Nevertheless I enjoyed bathing in the love we shared when ever we met in the garden or at
the dance floor. We flirted as usual, but there was a new kind of spark between us. Like a
secret that no one knew, except for us.
One day we both decided to go to a bhajan class. He held my hand as we walked up the
stairs to the room where the music played. I felt his presence as Shiva and I was his Shakti,
the divine couple, and I felt chosen. I felt special. Even if his love poured out into the world
so free, I was special to him. He had chosen me.
We sat down in the front row and started to sing, our voices merged with each other and
danced in harmony with the rest of the room. Then after a while, another woman sat down
beside him. They greeted lovingly and she started to touch his spine. I saw the delight in her
eyes and their bodies moved softly together to the music.
Suddenly I felt struck by jealousy. Who the fuck was she? Didn’t she see that we were at the
concert together, me and my Shiva? She disturbed our harmony and maybe she wanted to
take him away from me. A cold hand of loneliness, rejection and jealousy took a firm grip
around my belly. My breath shallowed and I felt so ashamed. Then everything shifted. Raven
had his hand resting on my knee and I could feel his pleasure through his hand. I literally
could feel him being touched on his spine, through his hand. And not only could I feel his pleasure, I could feel the other womans love to him through his hand. My body opened again
with bliss and streams of heat. My voice opened to God and together we sung the sounds of
love, all three of us.
The same night Raven offered me to come to his room for our last session. The retreat was over the day after and we were about to go home. When I came to his room, I was full of
expectations as well as a touch of fear. His roommate was in the other bed, ready to go to
sleep. But his roommate gave us the blessing to do what we wanted by putting earplugs in
and turning his face to the wall, and me and Raven drowned in each others eyes for
the last time. Softly he touched my whole body under deep presence, not leaving my eyes
for a second. He kissed my hands and my arms and touched my spine in a way that rippled
delight all the way down to my pussy. We were breathing together deep and soft and after
what seemed to be eons of time melting under his hands, he rolled over on his back and
lifted me to sit on top of him. Slowly he entered me with his cock. He didn’t move, he gazed
in my eyes, breathed with me and stayed still. At first I didn’t feel much. I attempted to move
like I use to, but he stopped me, holding my ponytail firmly in my neck and looking deeply
into my eyes. “Do not move”, ha said. And then I could feel him. Even though his cock
softened inside of me I could feel its energy rising. Like a silver ray of clear light he
illuminated my inside and I trembled, my skin felt electric and all the little hairs of my arms
“If you move, I will come inside of you so please be still”, he said, and another shot of
electricity vibrated inside me. I drifted away in the bliss of the sensations of the beginning of
the orgasm inside of me, but he would not let me. He held my hair firm and forced me to look
into his eyes as I came in a way that I never experienced. Like soft waves all inside my
pussy, waves that made my whole body relax deeply.
“I am sorry, I can’t fuck you like other people do”, he said. “ I have a problem with premature
ejaculation, but I really love being inside of you”.
My heart opened in such love and gratitude. My pussy vibrated of orasmic waves and tears
filled up my eyes for the honesty and vulnerability this strong and loving man showed me.
After the lovemaking we rested beside each other before he asked me to return to my room,
and my dreams were vivid and weird that night.
After leaving Ängsbacka I went home to my daughter and my ordinary life.
Little did I know that nothing would ever be the same again. In the morning the day after the retreat, I drove my daughter to school on my bike, and on the way home, riding the bike downhill something really strange happened. Suddenly my whole spine started to vibrate with electricity. It jerked and shook with such power and the shaking spread out in my chest and down my arms and into my hands. I had never felt such a feeling before, my whole spine was spastic and the
hands vibrated. At the same time this feeling was so familiar to me, as if it had been a part of
me for ever. When I came home my whole body was vibrating of ecstasy. My sister was
visiting me after a long journey and I spent the whole day in deep and soulful conversations,
with music, drawing and the creativity just poured out of me. When I got back to my work as
a yoga teacher and gym instructor the day after, I was high as on drugs. I felt as if I made
love to the whole world and the participants in my classes came up to me after and asked what had happened to me. I couldn’t answer, but I felt something so deep and powerful
moving through me.
I started to wake up around 4 PM every morning, my body was orgasming spontaneously in
bed, it moved as a snake, anjelating, dancing. My need for sleep reduced to a maximum of 5
hours a night and for a few weeks I was high and vibrating with light. I felt on top of the world
in a way that I never experienced before. It came out in such a natural and centered way and
it enhanced my life experience tremendously. I tried to call my friend Raven trough Skype to
ask him what this wonderful energy was, but as soon as I saw him online, time and space
seized to exist and we ended up for hours, eye gazing in silence. There was no way that I
could put words on my experience.
Then one day when I came to my work, I felt really raw. It was as if I could feel all the people
around me inside of me, and there was so much pain and confusion. The people who goes
to the gym is most of the time doing it to correct something they don’t like about themselves
or to escape something painful, and I could feel every single piece of their pain. Once in
awhile a content person walked by and I could exhale. But when the phone rang, I could feel
it in my flesh as a knife, and when I touched the computer to do some admin stuff, the
computer shut down. I had to go and hide in the staff kitchen to get away from it all.
The next day when I should take the bus to my work, the light started to illuminate the shadows inside of me.
I walked over the square to take the bus, when suddenly I felt as if everyone was staring at
me, as I continued walking, I felt as if even the houses came closer to me. My heart started
to beat so fast and my breath shallowed. The houses rushed in towards me and I couldn´t
breath. I felt as if I was dying. In all of this, I realized what was going on. This seemed like
panic attack, something that I had only heard about before, so I stayed cool, got on the bus
and off to my work. Instead of going to the reception in the gym I went straight to my boss
and explained the situation, I was shaking from the inside out and she sent me home
When I woke up the next morning and opened my eyes, my room did not look the same. The
roof was not a roof, I could see the open sky over me, and when I looked at the walls, I saw
them fall down, brick by brick. I couldn´t leave bed for several hours, this walls puzzled me,
but I stayed centered and I realized why I had those experiences. The panic attack was a
message from my subconscious mind and what it told me was that I had been lying to
myself for too long. I had been going to a job that was nice, I had my yoga groups, my
training and a good income, but no freedom. I couldn’t speak about everything there, I
couldn’t be myself. And if I kept on selling my soul for safety and money, If I continued this
lifestyle, I would end my life in depression or even worse. I had to wake up and be true to
myself hundred percent. The walls that fell down and the open sky was a symbol of my belief
system that was dismantling and my ego falling apart.
Next day when I woke up I was a man. A young man in the age around 20. I felt my body
and yes, under my hands I felt my soft and feminine shape, but somehow I had a slim and
muscular male body and a cock between my legs. I spent the day as a man, exploring my
masculine energy taking place in every part of my being.
The day after the room was shining as if it was polished. The door handles, the walls, the
furniture, it all sparkled and vibrated of light. I stayed in bed that day and observed the
beauty of a mindless being.
The days went on with those extraordinary experiences of being in a heightened
consciousness. One day I spent on the floor in my living room, and everything around me
was empty. No walls, no floor, no roof, it was all gone. I felt so alone, as floating in space,
timeless, endless. And I realised, this is the core of my being. I am alone, I am the creator. I
am everything and nothing. And since I am the creator, the one who creates everything out
of nothing, I can create what ever I want. I suddenly felt such a tremendous power.
The day after I told my boss that I won’t come back to work for another nine months, I
needed to go deeper and follow the flow of the energy that made my body dance in bed at
night and made my mind opening up to a deep journey beyond. I consulted a psychiatrist
with the concern that my hallucinations might be a psychosis or schizofrenia, but she
reasured my sanity and she told me that as long as I was not suffering from this condition,
and as long as I was able to manage my life, I was not considered clinically ill. I decided to
follow the flow and spend the coming months to discover the mysteries that opened up to
I felt kind of alone in this experience. I tried to talk to Raven about it but I couldn’t put words
on it and I was longing to fully understand what I was going through. I asked universe for
guidance and the next day I woke up unusually late. It was my 8 years old daughter that
called me from the bathroom and I felt heavy and tired.
“Mom, why am I black around my nose”, she called. “And mom, why is the toilet seat black?”
I went in to the bathroom and saw that not only was she black around the nose, I too had
small black rings around my nostrils as well and around my mouth I had a big black ring. I
felt a smell of smoke in the air and when I touched the mirror I recognised a layer of black
dust covering its surface. I went trough the whole apartment, my finger on the walls, the
curtains the sofa, it was all covered with a thin, black layer of dust. When I came in to the
kitchen I realized why. The candle stand of concrete that was filled with the traditional
christmas moss, had burned down and created a big hole in the table. But everything around
the candle stand was untouched by fire. The curtains were untouched, the letter to the tax
office that laid on the table was burnt only in the corner and somehow the fire magically went
I stunned and called the insurance company and after a few hours the sanitation firm came
to sanitise the whole apartment and me and my daughter went to Ängsbacka for the
christmas holiday. When I came home from Ängsbacka I found my apartment packed down
in moving boxes, and the first thought that struck my mind was, “who is moving?”
I realised, I am the one who is moving. I am moving on!
I just couldn’t live a life that forced me to work in a way that forced me to sell my soul and
time to be able to maintain a lifestyle that was only for show. A facade with a fancy big
apartment, that I spent all my free time cleaning, in case someone would come to visit.
I lived a life in one room and my daughter in another room. I was a slave under my need to be
seen as perfect, successful and to prove myself in materialistic things. All my true values had
been forgotten for so long and I made a phonecall to terminate the contract with my landlord
and get a storage room for my boxes. I bought a ticket to India from me and my daughter
and wrote a email to her school that we would be away from tuition for three months.
From that day on I promised myself to heal my relationships to life, to myself and my child
and to follow my hearts truth no matter what. From that day, my life turned around and I
have lived a life in joy and freedom ever since.
I devoted to give back to life all the gifts that life had given me. I started to walk the path as a dakini and begun to support the kundalini awakening process in other people. I saw my gift as a healer, but also as someone who brings people together in love. Now I am travelling world wide with workshops, arranging festivals in the name of love and the more I give away from this well of joy, bliss and love, the more I receive. Many times I have called Raven back and wanted to thank him for this precious gift. But whenever I do, he just return it back at me.
“You were ready, you know that. It’s not because of me, it’s because of you”