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Tantric Therapy Rocks!

I am sittning in the barn at Ängsbacka and listening to the rain outside, my ❤️ is filled with memories after the amazing tantra festival that just passed. We had Europes bigest tantra festival here with 700 people and all of us were touched in one way or another!

I remember one woman who came up to me during the festival saying: "this work we do is way much effective than psycho therapy! The amount of breaktrough I have had here is more than 10 years of therapy."

Being confronted with your most intimate fears like fear of rejection, fear of not being good enough, fear of expressing your needs, fears of not being accepted or fear of intimacy in a frame of deep presence and within consent is super challenging, but also liberating. Tantra opens up to the darkest sides in us and allows us to receive love and affection or even touch is very healing.

Tantra also open up to the light, to the beauty of the soul and all your powers. It allows you to be seen as beauty.

There is no coincidence that tantra grows like weed those days.Touch is proven to be the remedy for pain, depression and of course against feeling lonely and disconnected. Tantra is hightening the energy levels in the body, balances the nervous system and the hormones. It makes us more motivated, social and creative.

The demand for tantric therapists increases all over the world. Are you longing to make your passion a profession?

NOW we have a one month tantra therapist training in Thailand in February 2018.


Do you have questions or concerns about tantra, sexuality and relationships? Ask them directly to me and you might get an answer here in my blog. Your curiosity is a gift and it leads to growth and openness.


Thank you for your question!

tantra retreat


It is so easy to contribute to a better world. With awareness, life becomes a kind, accepting and loving playground where we can all grow. The easiest way to contribute is to share this article on Facebook!


You only live once ...

... how much do you allow yourself to enjoy it?

Your registration is binding. You can cancel retreats, couple retreats and training courses 14 days after you have made your booking. If the event falls less than 2 weeks after your booking, you cannot cancel. Should you fall ill before a training/retreat, you can receive a voucher for a new retreat within 12 months. This requires a medical certificate issued no later than 24 hours before the start of the event by a doctor (not an online doctor), with a description of the symptoms that make it impossible for you to participate.

The voucher can also be transferred to another person.

In the event that the course is not carried out by Art of Love for reasons other than force majeure, Art of Love undertakes to refund 100% of the price already paid for the course.

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