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Erectile Dysfunktion and its cure

Many men experience erectile dysfunction from time to time in life. For some men this problem effects life for a long time, and causes a lot of worries and stress.

Tantric practices can help men with erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation depending on the cause of the condition.

What causes a erection?

The erection is caused by a mix of emotional, hormonal, neurological responses to physical or emotional stimuli.

When a man has a erection the relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles allows blood to rush into the tissue of the erection chambers, creating increased pressure and an erection. At the same time, valves in the veins prevent the blood from flowing back out of the penis. Those valves keeps the erection until the man ejaculates or the stimulation decreases. .

Life style causes to erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunktion or so called impotence may be caused by narrowing or 'clogging' of arteries in the penis caused by smoking or diabetes.

Neurological causes to erectile dysfunction

Diabetes can also lead to damage to the nerves that sends information from the brain and spinal cord to the penis leading to weakness, numbness or pain. This is called diabetic neuropathy and its a common neurological cause of erectile dysfunction.

Other neurological causes of erectile dysfunktion can be damage of the nerves due to surgery around the pelvis, stroke, a type of epilepsy (partial complex seizures), multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury.

Emotional causes to erectile dysfunction

Another major cause of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation is stress, anxiety and performance anxiety. Many men are not aware of the level of stress they are under and many men are so used to having performance anxiety around sex that they believe this is the only way to relate to sex. It can be comparing the size of the penis to other men or porn stars and consciously or unconsciously believing that love making is something that will prove the masculinity. Sex is not a place to meet and connect, but a place to accomplish something. It might be as simple as accomplishing a good erection, a orgasm or giving the partner an orgasm. Some men are also sexually oppressed, it can be from the partner who has her/ his own sexual or emotional dysfunctions or shame and guilt around sexuality that comes from the parents or the culture.

Sexuality is very sensitive to oppression and meny men develop erectile dysfunction over time due to every day stress, depression, unreasonable demands, sexual bullying or early experiences of shame of the erection during puberty.

Those feelings causes tensions in the pelvic floor. Muscular tensions in the pelvic floor is so usual, most of us have them, and we are not even aware of them. When we have a muscular tension that does not release, other muscles will weaken and the original muscular tension will increase. This might lead to erectile dysfunction later in life. Some men also experiences a shrinking of the penis due to the pelvic floor tensions.

But it´s not only the older men who suffers from erectile dysfunction. Many young men experiences lack of erection or premature ejaculation as a result of nervousness or incapacity to keep high levels of sexual energy in the body.

In rare cases, erectile dysfunction has always been present. This is called primary ED and the cause is almost always psychological.

Drug causes to erectile dysfunction

The use of drugs and medicine might also affect the capacity to have a erection or to keep a erection. Men who uses viagra and other drugs to get a erection might be physically and emotionally addicted to the medicine, leading to difficulties to have erection without the drug.

How to treat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation!

Depending on the cause of the erectile dysfunction the treatment will vary. Changing lifestyle and finding other ways than eating, smoking, use of alcohol and drugs to regulate emotions is one way to heal the erectile dysfunktion. Physical activity is a very important factor as it also helps to rebalance the hormones involved in a healthy sexuality. Re activation of the nerves and release of the muscular tensions trough healing and massage is another way to treat erectile dysfunction and tantric therapy can help the client to let go of destructive patterns that brings disease.

Another part of the treatment is to learn how to relax emotionally around sex. When the sexual dysfunction is connected to the current partner. The treatment can be partner therapy to make a heart connection or simply to give up the dysfunctional relationship.

Rewiring the nervous system to be in a parasympathetic flow - that means to me relaxed and without performance or the need to achieve is a very important part of the treatment.

Learning how to circulate energy in the body and have energtic sex and energy orgasms plays a very important role in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. This takes the pressure from the penis to perform sexually. It is a amazing release of the muscles in the pelvic floor and it rewires the nervous system. It also makes the client able to hold large amounts of sexual energy and to circulate it without the need to ejaculate. It also stimulates nitrogen oxide in the body - and nitrogen oxide plays a very important role in having an erection.

Dietary Supplemets

There are a few dietary supplements that will increase the erection. L - arginine is a alcaline amino acid that is very good for the immune system. It increases the neurotransmitter dopamin that gives motivation and prevents depression and it prevents clogging of the blood and arteriosclerosis. L - arginine is essential for creating nitrogen oxide that is vital for the nervous system and the erection.

Another natural remedy is maca - a peruan root-crop that regulates the hormone level and builds up endurance is a powerful aid in geting a better erection.


Recipe for a erection smoothie

1 table spoon maca powder

2 table spoon raw cacao

3 dates

1 banana

1 dose L - Arginine

200 ml oats milk

1/2 (or less) red chili

Mix it all to a creamy smoothie. Enjoy it with some cherries on the top. All the ingredients in this smootie aids erection trough balancing hormones, secreting neuropeptides and building nitrogen oxide.



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