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We rode through the beautiful countryside, through cute little villages and yellow fields to the Chateau TÅ™ebešice. A picturesque small castle, renovated from a runin by an eccentric couple with a taste for art. Marek and I spent a few sexy and loving days in one of the castle's beautiful rooms. We enjoyed amazing food and were amazed by the beauty of the castle garden. It was a journey that left its mark deep in my soul.


Now we want to invite YOU to this magical place. A castle full of adventure and lots of little surprises. Unique rooms designed by different artists and fantastic environment. This is a tantra retreat for couples who love to enjoy life!


We want to invite you who want to lear tantra, enjoy life more, go deeper in your relationship and for you who want to love more. Both physically and mentally. Me and Marek will share our most powerful techniques in this tantra retreat for couples and you will get to practice the most intimate techniques, safely in your own room at the castle.


We only have seven spots on this exclusive couples tantra retreat, so be sure to book early if you want to come along.







Friday 23 September


13.30 - Transfer from Prague to Chateau TÅ™ebešice.

15.00 - Check-in

16.00 - Opening Circle

19.00 - Dinner

21.00 - Tantric Ceremony - Kundalini Energy

Tantra means tools for expansion and whether you are a beginner or advanced in tantra, tactical meditations and ceremonies lead to a deep transcendental state that allows you to grow as a person. This ceremony opens your consciousness and makes you want to enjoy life more.

You also get to explore what kundalini energy is and how to raise it.​


Saturday 24 September


7.00 - Morning Walk

8.30 - Conscious communication

Communication is essential in all relationships. Sometimes we hide our truth for fear of hurting or because we are afraid of being criticized. With our simple but powerful communication tools, you get tools to avoid misunderstandings, conflicts and projections. This playful workshop brings you closer together spiritually.

10.00 - Breakfast

11.30 - Yoni & Lingam Activation

A tantra massage demonstration and a unique intimate massage that increases your sensitivity, makes you more sexually persistent as a man and boosts your orgasmic potential.

12.30 - Private practice in the room

On this retreat you get to practice the advanced techniques in your own room, for maximum privacy.

16.30 - Circle

We meet in a circle to share our experiences and insights.

18.00 - Dinner

19.30 - Workshop - Energetic Sex

What is energetic sex and how can you surrender in to deep and life changing energy orgasms together with your partner.


Sunday 25 September


7.00 - Morning Walk

8.00 - Breakfast

9.00 - Closing circle

11.00 - Transfer to the airport


Under the Art of Love's workshop - Tantra Massage för Par- guidas ni in i beröring och medveten närvaro.

Kanske får ni uppleva hur kundalini energin rör sig mellan er som en orgasmisk våg av välbehag, eller så öppnas era hjärtan i en symfoni av kärlek.


Ni guidas respektfullt in i djupa samtal och läkande beröring.


Inget av det jag guidar er in i är obligatorisk.

Ni uppmanas under hela workshopen att känna efter själva och möta varandra på den plats där ni är just nu. 




Ni kommer att få uppleva ett antal tantriska nycklar för djup njutning och kärlek:


Tantrisk Par Meditation

Medveten Beröring


Yoni Aktivering (för att öka blodflödet i kvinnans kön)

Lingam Aktivering (för att öka blodflödet i mannens kön)

Tantriska andningsövningar för par





13 Januari kl 11.00 - 17.30


Pris per par: 2500 Sek




10 Februari kl 11.00 - 17.30


Pris per par: 1500 Sek


Your registration is binding. You can cancel retreats, couple retreats and educations 14 days after you have made your booking. If the event is scheduled less than 2 weeks after your booking, you cannot cancel. Should you fall ill before a training/retreat, you can receive a voucher for a new retreat within 12 months. This requires a medical certificate issued no later than 24 hours before the start of the event by a doctor, with a description of the symptoms that make it impossible for you to participate.


The voucher can also be transferred to another person.


In the event that the course is not carried out by Art of Love for reasons other than force majeure, Art of Love undertakes to refund 100% of the price already paid for the course.




Sessions are canceled no later than 48 hours before. In case of later cancellation, you can only cancel due to illness with a medical certificate issued by a doctor and with a description of the symptoms that make it impossible for you to attend the session. In case of illness, you get 50% of the amount to book a new appointment with.

You only live once ...

... how much do you allow yourself to enjoy it?

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