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Is it possible to bring tantra together

with the dark sexuality?


Of course!  


Tantra is about expanding consciousness and accepting life as it is.  Life is not just beautiful or awful, dark or bright. Life is magical and it is when we surrender to the magic of life that we truly grow with trust, acceptance and love.


The Point of Surrender is a fusion of tantra and BDSM and we want you to come as a couple to the course. It does not have to be your life partner, you can bring a lover or a friend with whom you feel safe to explore both light and dark.  

Our primary focus on the course is surrender. Surrender is considered in many spiritual traditions to be a very important part of achieving happiness and we believe so too.


the point of

16 - 20 NOVEMBER 2022

Detta är en exklusiv retreat som kombinerar Buster Rådviks expertis inom trauma och embodiment, med Lins djupa kunskap för den helande kraften i njutning och tantra.


På denna retreat inbjuder vi dig att utforska djupet av ditt varande och öppna upp för transformation och självläkning.


Du förvänta dig en inspirerande och lärorik upplevelse som inkluderar workshops, interaktiva sessioner med massage och beröring, guidade meditationer, andningsövningar och rörelseövningar. Vårt unika program ger dig värdefulla verktyg och tekniker för att läka trauman och uppleva djup, sinnlig njutning.


Retreatet HEALING WITH PLEASURE erbjuder en trygg och kärleksfull miljö för öppna och ärliga diskussioner.

En stor del av vårt arbete handlar om aktivt lyssnande och gruppsamtal där dina erfarenheter berikar de andra deltagarna och där du lär dig av medmänniskor som är på en liknande resa. 


Unna dig en helhetsupplevelse och ge dig hän till den vilda skönheten i naturen runt Skeppsudden. Förutom workshops och meditationer har vi bastukvällar, badtunnor under stjärnorna och stunder av ensamhet för reflektion och integration. Ge din kropp och själ näring med utsökt, nyttig mat som stödjer ditt välbefinnande under hela retreaten.


Det finns begränsat antal platser för denna transformerande retreat, så vi uppmanar dig att säkra din plats så snart som möjligt.

Investera i dig själv och följ med oss ​​på denna livsavgörande retreat med Buster Rådvik och Lin.


Kom och se livet från ett nytt perspektiv, lär dig att läka inifrån och kultivera en djupgående kontakt med dig själv och andra.


Din transformativa resa börjar här.

Co Teacher - Andy Buru


​​ Andy Buru has been teaching bondage from an artistic and therapeutic perspective, since 2008. His main sources of inspiration are Japanese rope art (Yukinaga Max) and modern dance (Felix Ruckert). He is a theater student, medical massage therapist, former organizational coach and a conscious kinkster. During his fifteen years with BDSM, he has been a slave, owner, hedonist, purist, magician and slut. Now he brings his nerdy passion for psychology, anatomy and mysticism and lets them merge. Andy's therapeutic work is based on modern modalities for embodied trauma therapy, consent and conscious sexuality, instead of old spiritual belief systems.


Price and booking

Price per person: SEK 8,800 - this includes food & accommodation in a dormitory. Pay 750 kr  extra  per person and get a double room *


Place; Skeppsuddens Kursgård - Norrköping



* Your place is secured only when paying the course fee. Registration is binding and exceptions are only made in the event of illness. However, you can sell your ticket if you are prevented


Your registration is binding. You can cancel retreats, couple retreats and educations 14 days after you have made your booking. If the event is scheduled less than 2 weeks after your booking, you cannot cancel. Should you fall ill before a training/retreat, you can receive a voucher for a new retreat within 12 months. This requires a medical certificate issued no later than 24 hours before the start of the event by a doctor, with a description of the symptoms that make it impossible for you to participate.


The voucher can also be transferred to another person.


In the event that the course is not carried out by Art of Love for reasons other than force majeure, Art of Love undertakes to refund 100% of the price already paid for the course.




Sessions are canceled no later than 48 hours before. In case of later cancellation, you can only cancel due to illness with a medical certificate issued by a doctor and with a description of the symptoms that make it impossible for you to attend the session. In case of illness, you get 50% of the amount to book a new appointment with.

You only live once ...

... how much do you allow yourself to enjoy it?

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